Fruit is a nutritionally important food for its intake of vitamins and minerals. The derivatives of fruit such as jams, jams, jellies and fruit juices are appreciated at all ages and at all times of the day, but especially at breakfast for their taste and the content of sugar easily assimilated. Italian agriculture produces fruit varieties of high quality and taste including native varieties and local specialties. In this category you will also find certified organic fruit specialties. Honey is the product of the incessant work of bees and has been used by man since time immemorial for its inimitable taste. The honeys obtained from the different plants such as acacia, orange, chestnut, have each particular organoleptic characteristics. The survival of bees is at risk at the moment and it is therefore all the more important to support honey producers who contribute to the sustainability of the species. In this category you will find local honeys of particular flowers.